
Understanding and managing our impacts throughout the life cycle of our products and services is fundamental to our long-term business success.

We believe that our ability to manage these impacts and to identify opportunities to assist our clients to do the same will deliver long-term benefits for the ecosystems upon which we all depend.

We are committed to the development of robust environmental management systems and resource efficiency programs that will sustain our natural environment for future generations.

We continue to identify business opportunities through climate change solutions and develop our capability in key sustainability service offerings such as low energy products, renewable energy and sustainable transport. We are committed to lowering our fuel and energy consumption in order to further reduce our carbon footprint.

Health and Safety

PCA Ground Engineering are committed to protecting the health and safety of employees and contractors whilst working. PCA has a health and safety management system that is integrated with organisational activities, ongoing development with its employees and contractors input and support is essential in its continual refinement. All employees and contractors have a responsibility to work safely, to take all reasonable care for their own health and safety and to consider the health and safety of other people who may be affected by their actions.

PCA will consistently strive to improve work place safety in partnership with its employees, contractors and clients endeavouring to achieve a goal of zero injuries

PCA-POL-002 Health & Safety Policy